In the Know

June 2022

  • Health & Safety

    STRESS: Workplace stress is a serious health and safety hazard that can have devastating effects. We feel stress because of demands that are placed upon mind and body. There are two forms of stress, normal stress, and toxic stress. Normal stress comes from facing an immediate threat or demand. This stress will resolve after dealing with the issue, and the body relaxes and no longer feels stressed. Toxic stress is different and comes from facing a demand or threat that does not stop. Workers experience toxic stress when they are exposed to staff shortages, harassment, bullying, noise, and other hazards. This form of stress often leads to negative physical and psychosocial effects. Stress can be associated with sleep disorders, fatigue, chronic aches and pains, depression, conflict with family, friends and co-workers, weight gain or loss, immune system depression as well as a greater vulnerability to illness and disease. Lack of control at work, and not having the ability to decide how a job is done, can make workers sick. Excessive demands can also cause stress. When lack of control is combined with high demands, a worker will almost certainly suffer high stress levels. Stress hazards largely centre on issues of control and work organization. Workers can take action to resolve stress by exercising their own control at work. This could include refusal of unsafe stressful work and working conditions, taking your breaks, reporting stress health and safety hazards, and taking stress issues to your health and safety committee. CUPE is committed to eliminating workplace stress by recognizing it is a safety and health issue. Ending stress in CUPE workplaces requires the same diligence and dedication as any other health and safety demand. For more information contact our health and safety team.

  • Education

    June 3rd saw the last day of a very successful Spring school in Kamloops. We had 9 of our members attending, and the feedback was extremely positive. Thank you to all participants as well as all the facilitators and CUPE BC Education for their many hours of work getting everything ready and running for this weeklong school. There are a variety of courses listed online at CUPE Education. These courses are generally 3 hours in length. Please check them out and if anyone is interested in online training, please submit your request here.

  • Equity

    The month of June is celebrated as Pride month all over the world. Canada has a rich history and turning point in the struggle for and eventual celebration of LGBT rights. The most well known of these are the Toronto raids. On February 5, 1981, 200 police raided bathhouses, strip clubs and nightclubs and arrested 286 people. These arrests led to riots, that turned into what is today, a vibrant pride festival. Our history is expansive, and we encourage you all to read about the milestones in that history of pride across Canada here.

  • BC Forum

    Are you 50 or better? Join the recognized voice of senior trade unionists. BC Forum is a registered non-profit society for union members aged 50 or better. They are dedicated to representing the well-being of members, their families, and their spouses. This is the only seniors group that exclusively represents active and retired union members and is directly affiliated to the labour movement. As an affiliate of the BC Federation of Labour, BC Forum is represented on the executive Council, the governing body of the BC Federation of Labour. In solidarity with you, the labour movement and allies, they are working to build healthy communities, and to improve the lives of families at home and around the world. Join today, contact BC Forum via email or visit their website.

  • CUPE 900

    Your local participates in various events that are put on throughout the year in Kamloops. If  your town or city has any event happening that you would like to have a CUPE presence at, or would like to volunteer a few hours of your time, please contact us. 

    CUPE 900 is pleased to offer members the opportunity to enjoy a free round of golf each day with a guest and cart rental until the end of October 2022 at the Kamloops Golf and Country Club. Interested members can submit their requests to the Union office. Please include your name, your unit (i.e. employer), email address, phone number, and the name of both golfers. We ask that you please submit 3 different dates (days/times) so there are options in case some days are not available. Booking should be made no earlier than two weeks in advance of the requested dates, and with a few days minimum notice.


    On a provincial level, CUPE BC is participating in the United Way Period Promise campaign with a fundraising page running until June 8th. Please donate to support marginalized community members for much needed menstrual products. Donations can be made here.

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